dimanche 15 août 2010

Playing dominos on a basalt table

The glaze on the black and white stoneware looks like a very thin film of water or oil on a basalt table.

The white "stones" also liberated themselves from the classical rules of the game, and wrap around the rim of the basalt table.

mardi 10 août 2010

Great square spiral

A dedalus :  the middle of the dedalus is the centre of your world.

This dedalus you can imagine elevated to a pyramid. From the "centre", the summit, you will see all other worlds.

dimanche 8 août 2010

Mouvement sur le bord d'une coupe

Nous en avons fait le tour en équilibre sur le bord, le temps d'un après midi

samedi 7 août 2010

Map of a giant city

As seen from high in the sky above the city, this nearly circular shape did not come out flat at all, but undulating to match the white and black enamelled patterns that flourished from the body of stoneware.


Sur le disque d'email noir, tous les points de l'horizon se renvoient des rayons, comme des dards en argent.